Does your family know what to do with your Quill?

No one likes to think about what will happen when they die, but when tragedy can strike without any notice it is important to have all of your affairs in order – a will, living will, directive to physicians, etc.  Along with these important documents should also be a letter to your family with your will instructing them what to do with your Alpha Xi Delta Quill.

Too often I see listings on Ebay for Quills for sisters from the early 1900’s and my guess is that their families didn’t know what to do with their Quill and therefore sold it at an estate auction or are maybe even selling it on Ebay themselves. 

According to the Alpha Xi Delta Constiution and Bylaws, Thirtieth Edition, Article XIII, Sec 2 (Member Insignia), clause 3 (Badge of Membership) – “The Badge of Membership (the Quill Pin) is always the property of the Fraternity in accord with the pledge signed by each member before initiation: “I know that the Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is the property of the Fraternity, and is mine to wear so long as I do so with honor to the Fraternity.”

Article XV (Chapter Eternal), Sec 2 (Deceased Member’s Quill), Clause 1 (Disposition) does outline what should be done with the Quill. 

On the death of a member, the badge shall be:

  • Buried with the member
  • Returned to Fraternity Headquarters
  • Bequeathed to a college chapter
  • Bequeathed to an alumnae association
  • Bequeathed to another member
  • Disposed of in any other approved manner (selling it on Ebay is not an approved manner!)

Clause 2 states that if the badge is not returned to Fraternity Headquarters that the National Fraternity should be notified of its disposition for the Fraternity’s records.

I treasure my Alpha Xi Delta membership and my Quill and will be including this information with my will so that my family knows what is to become of my badge.  Will you?

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